A week of breaking taboos

While behind the scenes at The Oh Collective, we’re advocating for intimate wellness and destigmatizing taboos in a world that has been mainly framed through a male gaze, I’ve been repeatedly told to up my personal branding. I’m not a fan—it feels fake. So, I’m turning it around and trying something that hopefully adds real value—learnings from this week that might be helpful for you:

For Third Generation “Kids”

This week we had the honour to be part of Feeld’s Amsterdam Activation “F*ck Around and Find Out.” Ashley Dos Santos interviewed our co-founder Eden Chiang, JeanPaul Paula, and Iona (The Queer Agenda) for a panel where JeanPaul’s story particularly stuck with me—he came out when he was 17 and was told to leave the house by his parents when he revealed he was queer. (Spoiler alert: they have since come full circle after almost two decades and are now featured together in pro-queer campaigns).

Our generation faces unique challenges. We grew up with (immigrant) parents who worked hard for us to live lives they couldn’t have envisioned—dating people they were told were “wrong,” pursuing careers that “don’t make sense,” and adopting worldviews that “are impractical.” The takeaway was to “Embrace your inner child and your inner Betty White. Life is short; don’t let anyone stop you from enjoying it in whatever shape, colour, or form.”

For People in Relationships 

Gottman Institute 7 principles to make marriages work

Emma Grede and Janet Yap both spoke positively about the Gottman Institute. If two of the greatest women in your life recommend it, you know it’s worth looking into. I picked up “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” (yes—even if you feel your marriage/relationship/work-relationship is 100%, it can’t hurt to stay on top and do anything in your power to keep it 100%, or maybe even get it to 101%). I revisited the concept of stonewalling: about 85% of stonewallers in heterosexual relationships are men, a tendency often attributed to cultural and social conditioning. This occurs when someone completely withdraws from a conversation, blocking communication. Recognizing and addressing stonewalling is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships, both personal and professional. Gottman suggests taking a break, self-soothing, communicating, and seeking understanding.

For Brands in Intimate Wellness

Cleavage triangle and google censorship rules

To get your ad shown, buttocks need to be covered 50%. For those advertising bras (Period Underwear & Bra set anyone?), beware of the “cleavage triangle.” Ads can get blocked if this area isn’t covered. Make sure to adjust your images accordingly. I got this insight from a piece in De Volkskrant by Jeroen van Bergeijk, who went undercover at Google Trust and Safety.

For Female Founders

I’ve been reaching out to old and new friends this week, and the overall learning is that most people want to help and see you succeed. The world is really not that scary; most people are kind, and if you ask for help, you might be surprised with the plethora of tips, connections, and insights you gain. Some nuggets from this week: Next to this list of top investors that invested in female founders, there’s growing support for female-led ventures with programs like Fem-StartTed Talk pitches, and banks/companies that provide sponsorships and funds. Personal branding is key—it enhances your brand’s visibility. Combine that with LinkedIn’s algorithm that is outperforming Instagram’s lately, and there you have your Sunday nudge to start posting more. If you don’t know where to start, check out Minite—they match you up with (fresh) graduates. Perhaps that freshly graduated Gen-Z’er can help you pump out some content on the socials.

That was the first blurb for this week. I hope it helped in any way, and enjoy your Sunday—make sure to get a bit of self-love time in. And if you need some help, The Oh Collective is always here for you.

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