what is a podcast and how does it work

The main success pillars for a 7 figure podcast

Kate Erickson‘s – the better half of John Lee Dumas’ Entrepreneurs on fireinterview with Steph Taylor.

The 5 main success factors for podcast Entrepreneurs on Fire

  1. Podcast + Sponsorships
  2. Email List
  3. Affiliate relationships
  4. Podcasting courses (Podcasters Paradise)
  5. Physical products (journals and books)

More golden nuggets Kate Erickson found while working on Entrepreneurs on fire

  • On Staying Focused
    • Time block and batch (reduce switching time/costs)
    • Have specific days for specific tasks (don’t combine tasks)
      • E.g. content on day 1, sponsorships on day 2, courses on day 3
  • On Reading: instead of book club/ list, reach out to a friend and ask what they’re reading.
  • On Goal Setting:
    • Schedule for 100 days, not more
    • Work on it every day
    • Check-in every 5-7 days and evaluate what (doesn’t) work
  • Sounded easy
    • Discipline creates free time.”
    • “Set up a system and create a routine around it.”
    • Their learning: too many platforms, didn’t know how to serve their traffic. Decided to double down and focus on what moves the needle instead of expanding services/platforms.

Artwork Copyright Β© Tyler Spangler

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